Selasa, 27 September 2011

L.O.V.E !!

Many people thing that love is the most important things in the world ! 
but you know the story that you watch in every movie is just lie ! 
no one will have a true story of love . love just make u crazy and think about a small world without knowing that the world is bigger than what u think
It make you foolish !
For me ! as the girl. Love is just meaningless , i don't believe in love ! love just make my time running .
Yah! banyak orang-orang dibodohi, mereka hanya mikir tentng cinta.cinta.cinta . pasti dalam pikiran mereka " kapan sih gw punya cowok?" or "eh cari'in gw cowok donk!" hahaa , BAKA RANNAI'! mereka tuh ga pikir yah kalo hal.hal begitu itu hanya membuang-buang waktu aja !
Hmm, kalau pun lu memang punya pasangan yang lu pikir emang bener.bener match with you . but sooner or later ur love will gone, following by the time.
Hmm, so never put ur self deep to ur love, because u'll hurt ur self with ur own feeling or ur match will throw u away ! so i suggest never believe in LOVE !  

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