Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Friends =]

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We shared smiles.....
We wiped the tears...
And through the years...
Our Friendship has grown ....
Along with us..
You are trully...
A wonderful part of my life

Friendship Inspire You

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maybe this post will be boring, so I recommend not to read it unless you have nothing to do.. ^^
 This post is all about inspirational quotes, especially about friendship.
I hope this post will inspire everyone..

William Penn
A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

Best friend, my well-spring in the wilderness!

The best mirror is an old friend.

Richard Barnfield
He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need:
If thou sorrow, he will weep;
If you wake, he cannot sleep;
Thus of every grief in heart
He with thee doth bear a part.

Norman Douglas
To find a friend one must close one eye -- to keep him, two.

Search not for a friend in time of need, for a true friend shall find thee.

Latin Proverb
A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Robert Louis Stevenson
A friend is a gift you give yourself.

Sicilian Proverb
Only your real friends tell you when your face is dirty.

John Lennon
I get by with a little help from my friends.

Kahlil Gibran
Friendship is always a sweet responsibilty, never an opportunity.

Edgar Watson Howe
When a friend is in trouble, don't annoy him by asking if there is anything you can do. Think up something appropriate and do it.

Charles Caleb Colton
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.

E. M. Forster
If I had to choose between betraying my country and betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to betray my country.

Winnie the Pooh
You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.

It is not so much our friends' help that helps us as the confident knowledge that they will help us.

So are you inspired?

Remember =]

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2011 is moving very quickly, and now I’m in the last of May. I can’t believe of things which have happened so far. They’re full of surprises, very unexpected. Some are sweet, some are very tiring. There may be a lot of activities, and they make me forget about every commitment I’ve made in the beginning of the year. Anyway, there’s no point of making new year resolutions if someone couldn’t remember and try to achieve them during the year. So I guess I have to rest a little to remember every resolution I made in January.


Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Flared Pants

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dear my bestiest :)
aku baca di majalah kalo gaya 70' s sedang booming, 
banyak seleb seperti Milley Cyrus yang terlihat memakai FLARED PANTS :)
pengen juga ikutan tren ini, tapi masih bingung --''
gimanayaa ???

Hmmm,ternyata :
  • atasan berbahan tipis juga bisa jadi alternatif padu padan flared pants. lipat ujung lengan bahu hingga batas bawah siku lalu padukan dengan bowler hat dan tote bag


  • Untuk mix and match flared pants, pilih atasan berbahan kaus seperti cropped top yang mampu menyeimbangkan tubuh bagian bawah dengan atas. Matching-in dengan kalung dan oversized clutch untuk hasil yang maksimal.
  • Jodohkan flared pants dengan tank top . tambahkan kalung, straw  fedora hat, dan leather bag, buat mendapatkan gaya kasual yang chic.
Tip :

Agar tubuh tidak terlihat tenggelam, sebaiknya pilih model sepatu berhak tinggi seperti heels atau wedges..

Find your perfect holiday activities

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Liburan sudah tiba !! saatnya refreshing dari semua kegiatan sekolah. Tapi, sudah tau blom mau ngapain slama liburan ini ? kalau bingung, cari tahu dengan menjawab kuis dibawah ini. Selain fun, kamu  bisa banget dapet ide dari sini. Let’s begin... :)

1.  Baju favorite saat pergi bareng genk-mu ??

a.    Duo combo celana pendek dan kaos
b.    Oversized blazer plus ripped pants
c.    Atasan keren keluaran desainer indie terkenal
d.    Rook panjang menyapu lantai dan cropped tee
    2.    Yang kamu perhatikan saat berkenalan dengan teman baru ...
a.    Clutch transparan yang digenggamnya
b.    Handphone-nya, dong !
c.    Dia jalan dengan siapa
d.    Caranya bicara
    3.    Negara impian yang ingin kamu kunjngi :
a.    Paris yang romantis
b.    Korea
c.    Amerika pastinyaaaa...
d.    Kamboja
    4.    Ekskul yang kamu ikuti di sekolah
a.    Yang unik seprti robotik jurnalistik
b.    Cooking class
c.    Sport tentunya. Futsal , baseball, basket, cheerleader atau bela diri
d.    Fotografi, musik. Teater, sinematografi
    5.    Pilihan makananmu saat masuk ke restoran baru :
a.    Nyobain makanan yang aneh namanya
b.    Makanan standart, nasi goreng pasti ada !
c.    Makanan Eropa deh, yang sudah ketahuan rasanya
d.    Cari menu masakan Indonesia aja..
    6.    Personal yang biasa ikut saat kamu liburan..
a.    Ayah-Ibu harus ikut
b.    No parent, friends only
c.    Pokonya harus rame dan komplet ! Ayah-ibu,sahabatku, kakak-adik. 
d.    Sendiri juga gak masalah, toh orangtuaku tahu aku mau kemana.

Jawaban dominan A dan D
Buat si kreatif

Menambah ilmu sekaligus mengasah krreativitas adalah key word yang  kamu caritiap menentukan aktivitas liburan yang kamu inginkan. Ikut kelas glass painting, membuat aksesoris, kursus menjahit  disolah mode ato bikin garage sale, pasti bikin kamu happy.

Jawaban dominan B dan C
Buat si anak gaul

Tempat berkumpulnya para sahabat ato event paling ditunggu saat ini adalah destinasi paling dicari olehmu. Seperti nongkrong bareng di 7/11, bersepeda fixie keliling kota, nonton konser musik, datang ke Jakarta Great Sale besar-besaran di mall di kotamu.

Jwaban dominan D dan B
Buat si Outdoor Lover

Kamu si pecinta alam pasti nggak mau melewatkan aktivitas seru ini. Camping di dekat air terjun, trekking, wisata kuliner, backpacking sampai ke kota tetangga atau hunting foto di kota” bersejarah.

10 World's Most Unique Hair Style

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Here are 10 hair style is arguably the most unique: 

1. Style cotton candy 

I do not know what inspires Buzzworthy appearance at the Brit Awards 2010 ceremony in London last February. Her hair was like a giant cotton candy white. For sure it takes a few cans of hairspray, and long hours to arrange. Lady Gaga is very innovative in terms of style, so do not be surprised if in the near future his style will be followed by many people. 

2.Style Black and blonde 

It takes a big dare someone to do her hair with two highly contrasting colors, namely black and blond, simultaneously. Voiced singer, Amy Winehouse, proved to have great guts. The singer made the most of this retro-style front blond hair among black domination. Hair color is also a characteristic appearance. 

3. Horizontal Style 

John Galliano was mentioned as a genius in the field of fashion. He created hairstyles horizontally into a mystery of beauty. Fashion show featuring the Fall 2010 collection in Paris, featuring a model with straight hair and bertektur tatatan hard. 

4. Mohawk Platinum 

Pebasket with eccentric style of Dennis Rodman, it's like to experiment in terms of style. He never made a model of Mohawk hair long and dyed platinum blonde. Do not stop there, he also uses a complete makeup, ranging from eye shadow to lipstick. 

5. Babushka style  

Black hair towering giant is called babushka's hair style. Exhibited at the spring 2010 fashion show Le Mindu Charlie works in London. Appearance of increasingly extreme model with a dark blue color lipstick. 

6. Hair style tree 

A hairdresser from India put the finishing touches tree trunks as in the hair. This unique hair styles shown on the Wild and Wacky Style Hairdressing Competition in Madras, India, in 2003. Creativity and skill looks very prominent, and the results were fantastic.

7. Simple and strange 

Two models Alana and Leah Calogridis Emblem showed a unique hairstyle in Sydney Hair Expo 2004, Australia. Both seem like a plane propeller on his head. 

8. Style lip 

Fashion designer, Charlie Le Mindu, seen clearly have a mind of 'wild' in the works. Hair style surrealist displays the form he showed with hair-like lips. Not only that the model also menggunakkan three glasses, displayed in a fashion show Spring / Summer 2010 in London. 

9. Cousin It  

One of the fictional Addams Family series character, Cousin It inspires Charlie Le Mindu. 
In a show Spring / Summer 2010 in London, Mindu featuring models with hair that covered his face except the eyes, like Cousin It.
 Wigs were made as a

10. Hair Chandelier 

Hair-like horns and decorated with jewels. It looks very beautiful in the show was exhibited at the Japan Fashion Week in 2008.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011


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Halooo J-Crew dan alumni J (L), Lagi ngapain ?
gimna kabar ? baik kah ? :)
Alhamdulillah ini anak J mau bikin acara kumpul-kumpul lagi
tentunya bakar-bakar ayam dan jagung,
hmm bukan bakar rumah lho :) ehehehe
Ini Insyaallah diadakan pada
tanggal : 28 Mei 2011
empat  : JL. Serma Abdullah No 30 Ds Pacul
Waktu : 18.30 - die

NB : 
Untuk membeli Ayam dan bahan lain-lainya diharapkan   WAJIB membayar uang minimal RP. 10000
 Terakhir membayar tanggal 25 Mei 2011

Emmuaah, emmuah :) :*